What sources were used to compile the address database? |
A wide variety of sources, both published and unpublished, were used to compile the database. The most frequently used sources were: Bulletin Boards, "Burke’s Peerage", Business Directories, Certificates, Club Members Directories, Court Records, Electoral Registers, Genealogical Publications, Internet Web-sites, Licences, Magazines, Newspapers, Noticeboards, Probate Records, Relatives, Research Directories, Society Membership Lists, Telephone Books, Utility Company Records, "Who’s Who" and similar publications. |
Why do some searches return multiple entries for the same person? |
Since the database has been compiled using a number of different sources, each of which may include information about the same person, it is inevitable that multiple entries will occur. Although every effort has been made to eliminate such entries, it is not possible for the computer to do so if there happens to be a minute difference between them. |
How many records does the database contain? |
The database contained more than three hundred sets of address records when it first opened and it is constantly being updated as new information becomes available. |
Why can’t I find the current address of the person that I’m seeking? |
Although the information contained in the database is of a reasonably comprehensive nature, a considerable amount of work remains to be carried out before this particular project can be regarded as complete. |
Are funds raised for the Archive by selling the information contained in the database to commercial organisations? |
No. Access to the address database is only available to bona-fide family historians. |
Why wasn’t any use made of the "UK Infodisc" CD-ROM as a source of information for the UK part of this address database? |
Infodisc was in fact used to help compile the address database, but only as a finding aid and not as a primary source. Since a sample check of the data available on Infodisc was found to have an error rate exceeding 35%, it was thought to be far too unreliable as a source. |
How can I find out whether the database contains the names of other people at the same address as the one that I’ve already found? |
Unfortunately it has not yet been possible to provide the facility of searching the database by address. Perhaps the best solution to this problem is to carry out a search using the Postcode or Zip (although in the case of the USA this will often result in the return of numerous addresses within the same locality). |
Why are there no addresses listed for the English County of Middlesex? |
Many of the old English Counties were abolished in the Government re-organisation of 1963 and Middlesex was among these. Addresses in Middlesex were absorbed into a number of the surrounding counties, including Hertfordshire, Essex, Berkshire, Surrey and Greater London. Despite the fact that more than a quarter of a century has passed since the reorganisation, the Postal Authorities have yet to catch up with all of these changes! |
Why do some entries consist only of initials instead of a complete forename? |
In most cases these entries have been obtained from a source that does not supply complete forenames and it has not proved possible to obtain the information from any other source. |
Why does a search by town using either of the words "Munich" or "Munchen" result in a nil return, despite my having already found several addresses in Munich by searching under various forenames? |
Entries in the database have mostly been made in the format in which the original data was received. Thus, in order to carry out a search for addresses in the city of München, it is necessary to enter the word as spelt in German (i.e. with an umlaut over the letter "u"). Similar rules apply to some foreign town names (such as Genève for example) and to many forenames (such as François, Löns and Pérez) |
Does the database contain ex-directory telephone numbers? |
Yes, but only if the subscribers concerned have given their express permission for them to be included in the database, or if the numbers in question were already published in old telephone directories before being made ex-directory. |
NB. In the latter case, as far as United Kingdom is concerned they are technically public records because all old telephone books remain available to the public in the British Telecom Archives (under the Public Records Act). |
Can I add an address that appears not to have been included in the database? |
Yes, provided that someone with the surname Gooderson (or similar) lives at the address in question. Please send the relevant details by e-mail to: |