How it Started


Roy Rayment, a retired Telecommunications Technical Officer living in London, England, has been actively researching the surname Gooderson (his maternal grandmother’s maiden name) for many years. He first became interested in the history of the Gooderson family in the 1960s, following the gift from his mother of an old Gooderson family bible that had been handed down to her as an eldest daughter.


Roy’s interest gradually developed into a full-scale One-Name Study, which he eventually registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies. Unfortunately Roy lacked the expertise required to design and test the search engines necessary to place much of the Gooderson One-Name Study data on line but help was at hand from Paul Millington, a professional computer engineer, who happened to serve with Roy on the Guild committee.


The Gooderson Archive first appeared on-line in the year 2001, following registration by Roy of the domain name "" on 22nd July of that year. Although the website is constantly expanding, much work remains to be done and Roy lives in hope that others with an interest in the Gooderson surname will come forward with more information or offers of help with the on-going research.




The costs of all of the research necessary to carry on the Gooderson One-Name Study and the costs of providing and maintaining the Gooderson Archive, together with its associated website, are borne entirely by Roy Rayment from a small pension.


However, if any of the Goodersons ever become millionaires, perhaps they might like to consider making a small donation in order to facilitate even more research!


Future Development


Plans are in hand to computerise several existing sets of records and to start a number of new research projects. Among these are research into Boyd’s Marriage Index, Burials, Census returns (1841-1901), Ecclesiastical probate (1450-1857), Medal awards, Official Notices, Scottish birth, marriage and death records (1855-date) and War Graves.


It is also hoped to start a photo gallery and a regular research bulletin, provided there is enough interest in these.


How to help


The best way of helping to expand the Archive is simply to send copies of any relevant documents or old family photos. Copies of birth, marriage, death and adoption certificates are particularly welcome, as are inscriptions from family bibles and funeral cards. Any information, no matter how small, about the various branches of the Gooderson family is always more than welcome!


Contacting the Archive Organiser


Owing to continued abuse by spammers, all e-mail addresses have now been removed from the parts of this website that are available to the general public. However, full details of how to contact us can be found by clicking here.


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